Tuesday 30 August 2011

What is a Security Camera?

By David Woodhouse

Security cameras can be known as "spy" or "Closed Circuit Television" cameras - that can be installed in the ceiling or the walls.

They are designed to capture video footage that can be recorded for screening later - and/or viewed "live".

In the case of the video being viewed in real time, this is commonly used by security monitoring services that supervise (for example) big business premises & streetscapes. The individual viewing can then rapidly call for security or Police in case of any different or criminal activity on screen.

This is in contrast to those security cameras that have one solitary function... to record to a computer hard drive.

Often these cameras are slightly lower in caliber, and are not monitored around the clock - but with up-to-date technology, all you need is your smart phone.

The camera system's hard drive continuously records the picture for viewing later - only if the owner/manager of the system deems it necessary.

Regrettably the accurate value of the footage recorded often only comes to light when it is being used to track break ins and larceny.

The video content can be admissible in a court of law, possibly leading to convictions of the people charged with the crime.

The volume of the hard drive (and the video quality being saved) dictates how long video can be recorded for, and more often than not this video is not kept forever, and is saved over after a defined amount of time (typically within 3-6 weeks).

Increase the size of the hard disk, and you'll increase the length of time your Security Camera will record for.

Most security camera systems now come with at least a 500 Gigabyte hard disk, which can be expanded to over 2 Terabytes (at the time of composing this report).

Security cameras increase your protection so much that there is even an industry built around fitting "Fake" cameras - so as to come across as if the property is protected!

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Thursday 18 August 2011

CCTV Cameras And Security Systems Are Becoming More Commonplace Than Ever Before

By Mike Ryan

There are so many types of security systems out there, and this article is going to be looking at the private systems that use CCTV Cameras. This type of camera based system allows a person to monitor their home or property. There are many situations in which this could come in handy.

Out of the many reasons to buy any type of security system home invasion would have to be the number one reason. There are three things that these systems can do. The first thing that most systems do is to advertise their presence on the window or lawn to deter criminal activity. The second thing they do is notify police if activity does occur. The third thing they do is to take video taped evidence.

One good example of another situation in which security systems come in handy is a house fire. Too many families are failing to see how serious house fires can be, and the worst part behind the situation is the fact that these house fires often start so innocently. If a house fire breaks out during the night time hours a family might be late to the punch as they were sleeping when the fire began.

Fires might be one of the most commonly talked types of emergency situations that are aided by camera based security systems, yet there are so many others. There are some regions that fall victim to certain types of natural disasters on such a regular basis. These systems not only notify the emergency personnel but also provide them with a live video feed that they can use to evaluate the situation.

A lot of people might be putting some money aside to invest in a security system and it is so important that they turn to a larger company that specializes in offering private security. Some of the smaller companies have not been around very long and their video feed technology is practically for novelty effects. Companies that have been around for some time are going to know how to utilize the technology to its fullest extent.

Many people are already well aware of the value of their family members, and this is why the family is the most important thing that such a system is protecting. If a person is burglarized and has their belongings stolen they can easily replace these however a family member can not be replaced should they fall victim to tragedy. Many people have these devices installed because of how much they care about their family.

A lot of the older systems on the market will use the family phone line to monitor the property and to notify personnel in the event of an emergency. The better systems will use a web interface like many of the newer systems do. These interfaces typically allow the homeowner to view his or her feed via a laptop or even cell phone. Most of the system controls are also interacted with through the interface.

People that decide to invest in any system that makes use of CCTV Cameras and video feed technology are typically investing to protect three important things: their family, their belongings and also their property. The members of the family are the most important thing to protect however.

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